Saturday, September 29, 2012

The call to worship

My calling is to live in Haiti and worship God.  That is everyone’s calling: make, create, take time to worship God, where ever you are. 

And proper worship requires righteousness: doing what is right.  The “right thing” involves personal acts towards God, such as reading the Word, attending church, but also personal acts towards other people: being honest, generous, patient, etc.   

On this second score, those who are in a “less privileged” position (they have little money, they don’t speak the dominant language well, they are fat, their life choices are not accepted, they are not connected to important folks, etc.) require a special attention. That is as per Jesus’ model: the measure of how similar we are to Jesus is what we do with, for, on behalf of those whose welfare and feelings do not count.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Eternal, internal
Insisting, assuring, sustaining
Echoes of voice now silenced,