Sunday, August 14, 2022

An Identity-based Fight

We in Haiti face a monster goliath, the red flesh of those with guns and cash, with official license plates. Lots of overlap. A tiny group with raw power. They kill and let kill. They don't cry. They dare us rise. 

We the people are David's brothers. We are afraid and resigned. We don't believe we can fight and win. So we keep crying and dying.

Oh for a David! How praiseworthy he was! 

He did not fast. He didn't create an action committee. He didn't read white papers or crisis analyses. He didn't launch a political dialogue. He didn't seek a broad agreement or national consensus. He didn't organize a donors' conference. The whole Goliath mess wasn't even his job!

But he knew identity, God's and the Israelites'. He asked, "How dare you? Do you not know who we are?" Then he stepped up.

We need a David to recall who we are, take offence at our intended shame, and say "no way."

He will have to ignore the it-will-take-50-years-to-change-Haiti crowd; reject those who recite all day long "things are really complicated in Haiti"; avoid the analysts who label optimism or faith naïve; laugh at the experts who insist on the failed traditional projects. And stay alive somehow. And make an honest living.

That's a lot to ask of a human being. 

Unless chosen of God.